


膝關節內視鏡手術(又稱鎖孔手術或微創手術)是一種醫師將攝影機從皮膚上開的小孔進入體內,診斷及治療膝蓋常見問題,同時避免在皮膚上開大洞的手術。醫師會藉此方法診斷如軟骨撕裂、韌帶傷害和關節炎等問題。此手術可降低疼痛的感覺,加快復原速度。 為什麼要進行膝關節內視鏡手術?


半月板撕裂:半月板是在膝蓋骨間的空隙做為緩衝用途的軟骨;手術可修復或取出半月板。 前十字韌帶或後十字韌帶的撕裂或傷害。 關節襯層腫脹、發炎或受損:此襯層稱為滑囊。 膝蓋骨(又稱髕骨)位置不正。 膝關節軟骨斷裂的小碎片。 移除貝克氏囊腫(Baker’s cyst,又稱膕窩囊腫):這是因為膝後充滿液體所造成的腫脹;有時候關節炎等其他原因造成的腫脹、疼痛,及發炎也會造成這個問題。 膝蓋的部分骨折。


手術結果可能會視您的膝蓋受傷程度而定,舉例來說,如果您膝蓋裡的關節軟骨已完全磨損掉的話,完全復原是不太可能的。您可能需要改變生活型態,亦即可能得限制自己的活動方式,並尋找替代性的低衝擊運動。手術前明白風險和併發症十分重要。若您有任何問題,請諮詢您的醫師,以獲得更多資訊。 傷到膝蓋周圍的神經。 傷口下方出現腫塊。 膝關節的感染。 劇痛、僵硬、無法使用膝蓋,如複雜性局部疼痛症候群。 如果您對關節鏡手術的風險有疑慮,您可以與醫師討論其他治療方法,如磁振造影等也可以診斷出問題,但是確認問題存在後,您可能仍需要關節鏡手術治療該問題。


Before surgery, you must tell your doctor about recent medications, allergies or any physical condition. It is very important to stop eating according to the doctor’s instructions before surgery . Basically you should get clear instructions before surgery, including whether you can eat a few hours before surgery. In most cases, fasting should be done 6 hours before surgery . You may be able to drink some liquids, such as coffee , a few hours before surgery . Knee endoscopic surgery The operation time is usually about 30 to 45 minutes. Your surgeon will examine the inside of your knees to wash out loose material from the wear of the knee joint. In this case, your surgeon can trim or repair the torn cartilage without having to cut a large opening.

膝關節內視鏡手術的術後恢復 After the operation, you should be able to return home on the same day. Your knees will be swollen for a few weeks, which is normal. Walking may become uncomfortable. Regular exercise should help you get back to normal activities as soon as possible. Ask your medical team or family physician for advice before you start exercising. Most people are in good recovery and can return to normal activities. Your surgeon can tell you about the derivative problems that your knees may get.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


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